Monday, February 16, 2009

"Designer PR"

Wow – that is what I said to myself after reading “Designer PR”. I was really confused as to how PR is going to fit into a faculty of informatics and design because PR is business, but it is not marketing, branding, or advertising. PR is original and ground-breaking, instead of just thinking outside of the box, why don’t we just tear it up?
Moving to a design faculty, becoming “Designer PR” is a new beginning, creating our own way, with improved opportunities for public relations.
I am really enthusiastic to be part of a faculty that is not afraid to be different but instead embraces the change; it is all very exciting and something great to look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. I love your comment about thinking outside the box, "why dont we just tear it up?". I think that is brillant!

    Being apart of a new beginning for PR is excitting!! Having not box to think about and to not be bound down by people who are too afraid to do anything different will definatly change the way PR is percieved and used! Its goint to be fun!
